Category: Financial Planning

Talking Finances With My 21-Year-Old Daughter

Today we have a special guest. My 21-year-old daughter Ashley and I have been talking about doing this interview for several months. We want to share the importance of personal finance and personal finance education. My wife and I constantly talk to our kids about this topic, including behavioral finance, so we are excited to share this episode with you!

Ep 189: Bank Failures, Debt Ceiling and the Market

We’re covering several important topics today derived from client questions and concerns. Given the relevance of today’s questions, Matt thought you’d like to hear these answers as well. Join us as we touch on the recent events taking place in the financial sector and explore actionable steps that we can take to help set up our heirs for success.

Episode 188: Paying Off Debt and Relocating

We met with a new client recently and looked at a snapshot of their financial situation. One of the things we noticed was their outstanding debt, including credit cards and car loans. The client wanted to take about $40,000 t0 $50,000 out of their 401k and take a financial hit in order to pay down that debt. Is that a good idea? We’ll share what advice we gave them and how you can handle a similar situation.

Episode 179: Social Security COLA and Timing

Choosing when to claim Social Security can have a huge impact on your retirement plan. A lot of people are unsure about whether they should delay Social Security or take advantage of another significant COLA increase.

Today we are going to look at some of the different options you may have and narrow down the reasons they may or may not be for you. We are also going to cover the ins and outs of spousal benefits so you can go into your decision-making with as much knowledge as possible.

Episode 178: Money Marketing Headlines

We’re bombarded with headlines about money all the time. With technology and social media at our fingertips, it’s more important than ever to control how you react to that. We’ll explain why it’s critical to your long-term financial success.

Episode 174: Mid-Year Financial Review Checklist

It’s mid-July, so let’s do a mid-year checkup on your finances. We’ll share why you need to be proactive with your tax planning and how that can payoff in the long run.