Category: Financial Planning

Episode 152: Should I Downsize My House in Retirement?

Rick recently wrote in and wanted to know if he should downsize his house. He has an emotional attachment to it, so it’s a tough decision. We’ll walk you through the decision-making process in tough deliberations like this.

Episode 148: How to Handle an Unplanned Retirement

We’ve had a couple clients recently who decided to retire earlier than planned. We’ll explain how we helped them, even with very little time to prepare, and how you could handle a similar situation.

Episode 147: Tough Questions About Family Finances

We’re tackling some tough questions about family finances today. Should you kick your sister out of your deceased mother’s home? What retirement challenges could you face as the parent of a young child? Should you buy your dream home?

Episode 144: Leaving 401k to My Child

Should I leave my 401k to my child? We get this question a lot so let’s dive into the pros and cons of leaving your children money and what strategies you can use to make sure it benefits everyone.