Category: Podcast

Episode #90: Relocating In Retirement

Many couples look to relocate or downsize in retirement. Relocating can be beneficial, but it presents questions you’ll need to answer before you move.

Episode #88: Market Volatility & Risk

Today’s Smart Money Question: There’s a conversation Matt has with clients all the time. It’s about market volatility. It’s one

Episode #86: Attitude Of Gratitude

This time of year, we tend to discuss the attitude of gratitude. In the spirit of the season, we want to take time to be thankful.

Episode 84: Paradigm Shift

As we move from work to retirement, we experience a paradigm shift. Suddenly, we’re moving from wealth accumulation to income distribution. Matt explains.

Episode #83: Advising Is Problem-Solving

Many people think of financial advisors as money managers. In reality, advising is problem-solving. Matt gives examples of some of the puzzles he’s worked.

Episode #82: Soda Taxes And Fire

Soda taxes are causing folks in Seattle to rethink their purchases, and a new movement is helping millennials to retire early. Matt Explains.