Category: Podcast

Life Insurance Questions and Our New Location

Life insurance is a product we get asked about all the time as people are trying to determine if they need to hold on to an old policy or even bother getting one at all. We get this question all the time and there have been a couple different scenarios come up recently that we wanted to bring to the show. So we’ll address those and go through the reasoning behind what we’ve discussed with clients.

The Market in Election Years

What can we expect or what has the market done with regards to returns during presidential election years?

What Can We Expect in 2024?

Everyone wants to know. What is going to happen in 2024? Join us as we explore a range of topics, from the outlook of the economy, a potential tax surprise for a lot of people, and some new provisions that will take effect this year.

Small Business Planning and the Purpose of Money

We’re coming down to the final few days of 2023 and we hope you have all enjoyed a good holiday season. As we close out the year, we wanted to go over a couple of client conversations we had recently dealing with small businesses and the power of money.

Putting Your Extra Cash to Work

Today we want to go over a couple of meetings we’ve had recently with clients who needed to address some specific scenarios.

What You Need to Know About 2024 Open Enrollment

As we close in on the final two months of the year, there’s a lot happening now and plenty to look ahead to for 2024. That’s what we want to spend some time on today by sharing some of the discussions we’re having in our office and some of the questions we’re answering from clients in this final quarter of the year. This includes open enrollment, world conflicts, and financing a new home.

What You Missed at Our Educational Event

Last month, we held an educational event and covered a lot of important information. We even featured estate attorney Jennifer Walker, who talked about the estate planning do’s and don’ts. It was a great event and we appreciate everyone that came out. Because we went over a list of key planning items for the year, we wanted to provide all of that information and education for you on the podcast.

Mid-Year Financial Check-Up – Items to Assess

As we move beyond the mid-point of the year, we always take this time to have a check-up with clients to run through a number of items that might need attention before the end of the year. Today we’ll share a few of those things, including budgeting, Roth contributions, and SECURE Act 2.0 changes.

What We’re Paying Attention to This Summer

Hard to believe we’re already into July but we’ve had a great summer so far. Hopefully you’ve been making the most of the warm weather and longer days. Today’s episode isn’t a long one but we wanted to take a little time to update on what’s going on at Old Security Group and talk about some of financial topics we’ve been paying attention to.