All Eyes on Interest Rates This Month

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Today’s Smart Money Question:

There’s a lot of anticipation surround the Federal Reserves meeting this month, and their decision on interest rates will have an impact across many different areas of financial planning. We’re already seeing insurance companies making adjustments in anticipation of the Fed’s decision, and the banking industry is poised to respond quickly as well. Many people are watching closely because of what it could mean for mortgage rates, and retirees are wondering about COLA adjustments to Social Security.

Bottomline is there’s a lot going on right now that impacts the discussions we have in our office, and we’re bringing some of that to the podcast today. Join us as we share an in-depth analysis of the current economic indicators and what they might mean for your savings, investments, and overall financial strategy.

Plus, we’ll offer some guidance for anyone facing decisions about pensions and lump sum offers and make sure you understand the potential pitfalls of transferring property without consulting an estate planning attorney.


Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

  • Why the Federal Reserve’s meeting this month is important.
  • How rate cuts impact savings, investing, and retirement planning.
  • Does it make more sense to take monthly pension payout or take the lump sum?
  • How the interest rate environment impacts the lump sum opportunity.
  • Before you deed your home to your children, you need to speak to an estate planning attorney.


If you are interested in any of the topics we discussed, please reach out and we would be happy to help you navigate your financial situation.


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