Episode 117: Downsizing, Old Policies & Portfolio Options

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Today’s Smart Money Question:

There are many misconceptions that surround the idea of downsizing your house in retirement. Many people think that they will be able to make a huge profit if they downsize, but that is not always the case. We will guide you through some other considerations to keep in mind before you make the big sale. We also discuss reevaluating an old life insurance policy, how much company stock you should invest in, and deciding whether to move your money into cash, or to keep investing.

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Here Are Just A Handful Of Things You’ll Learn:

Downsizing when approaching or already in retirement logically makes a lot of sense. However, financially it’s not always that easy. Many would think buying a smaller home would decrease the value of the home as well. In some areas, the value of homes are so high it makes it hard to find what you need, at a price that fits in your plan. There are many things to consider, research needs to be done, and a budget put in place for downsizing to be the right move.

Many times people have old policies that may not make sense for them anymore. It is crucial to understand how the policy plays into your financial plan. The asset could be used in a better way and money can be saved from reducing or stopping premium payments in some cases.

Owning company stock can be a great retirement option but it can also create a portfolio to be diversified poorly if too much is owned. Matt explains the factors that should determine how much company stock a person should want to have in there portfolio. The question on continuing to invest or moving to cash is often a concern in retirement planning. It should be determined by individual circumstances and preferences not goals or targets.

[2:45] –Should you look to downsize when you retire?

[5:15] –The issues with downsizing and the importance of understanding the real estate market.

[7:40] – What you need to consider before making the move.

[8:30] – Matt breaks down what needs to be taken care of in order to have an early retirement.

[13:25] – What to do with old policies and how to use the asset properly.

[15:22] – Matt answers a listeners question on how much company stock should you hold in your portfolio.

[18:45] – Matt explains deciding on moving to cash or continuing to invest is a question that has many factors for the individual to consider.


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